
Headaches are a common occurrence in adult America, and perhaps the world. This is not surprising considering how stressed and overworked people are. The impact of headaches on society is enormous. It can cause missed workdays, loss of productivity, and can result in significant costs for employers. Although headaches...
Frequent headaches are the most common complaint at the doctor’s office. The most common type is the tension headache. There are many causes. It can be difficult to pinpoint the cause of frequent headaches. Over-the-counter pain relievers could be the culprit for frequent headaches. Research has shown that if...
Concussions are a type of traumatic injury to the top associated with temporary impairment of brain functionality. This sort of damage is often known as mild traumatic brain damage (mTBI) or mild head damage (MHI) and is probably the most common forms of external damage in the top and...
In today's overly busy, hectic society, most of us have suffered from some type of a headache. A stress headache is normally fairly moderate, and could be described as feeling such as a tight belt round the head. These kinds of headaches can final for less than 30 minutes,...
Imagine that you are experiencing all the symptoms of a headache but not having migraines. It may seem unlikely, as migraines are a type of headache that causes throbbing and pulsating pain. It is possible to have a migraine and not have a headache. It is possible. It is...
Ninety seven per cent of people have experienced a debilitating headache in their lives at some point. Over seventy percent suffer from chronic headaches. There are many techniques we can use, whether they are self-massage techniques or techniques used by registered masseuses. The most common techniques for the prevention...
There are few types of pain that can be quite as severe as migraine headache pain. The pain can be so severe that it can cause major disruptions in one's daily life. Although migraines can be difficult to manage, there are simple ways to reduce the intensity and sometimes...
Migraines can have many characteristics. These characteristics are often used by doctors to determine the type and severity of migraines. Most migraines have one thing in common. They occur quite frequently. It can happen once every two months, once every three months, or once or twice per month. Frequent...
Migraine treatment has been known for years to be a result of sleeping. People suffering from migraines often go to bed because it is the only way they can get comfortable. You will eventually fall asleep, and you will feel your headaches diminishing. Migraine attacks can be caused by...
Migraines are from constricted (tightening) arteries supplying blood flow to the mind. When the arteries constrict, blood circulation to the mind is reduced and also the brains oxygen supply. In the event that you live with migraines, ensure that you have your Physician eliminate an underlying illness or various...