Gastritis refers to a condition where the lining of your stomach is severely damaged. White blood cells are then forced to move inside the stomach wall. This causes an increase in itchiness, irritation, and even inflammation. Gastritis usually starts in mild form, but can quickly become more severe if there is a deficiency in iron.

What to do?

This condition must be treated immediately to avoid complications. This is due to an excessive intake of alcohol. It is important to limit alcohol intake when you have stomach problems. If gastritis is diagnosed, the patient should stop drinking alcohol. Avoid spicy foods as they can cause burning sensations and discomfort.

People with gastritis should eat light, less spicy foods. It is best to eat bland foods so that the stomach can digest the food. People suffering from gastritis should consider coconut water as a soothing and effective treatment. It is a natural remedy for gastritis. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the stomach, which makes it more comfortable.

Try This!

If you suffer from gastritis, it is important to consume carrot juice and spinach juice regularly. Half a cup of potato juice can be taken before meals. It is important that the patient drinks plenty of water. For quick recovery and relief, buttermilk and curd may be used. You can also try cumin water and asafoetida.

Pickles, sweet aerated beverages, very sugary sweet dishes, and all types of strong spices and condiments are all prohibited. All of these should be avoided. These can make digestion difficult and cause discomfort for the patient. Tamarind water can be used to provide relief. Home remedies for gastritis are meant to reduce inflammation in the stomach and improve digestion so that the stomach is back to normal. If you feel extremely uncomfortable, you can also use hot water bottles to help soothe the stomach.Ginger can be eaten with meals or added to dishes to improve digestion.

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If home remedies fail to show results within a few days, it is a good idea to see a doctor to determine the cause. Sometimes gastritis can also be caused by a stomach infection. It is important to treat the infection and not just the problem of gastritis.


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