What are the best remedies for urinary tract infections? How can you save hundreds of thousands of dollars by using U.T.I. These questions can be answered by a holistic treatment. A holistic cure is simply a treatment that treats the whole body using vitamins, herbs, and food to treat the bacteria infection.


An infection of the urinary tract is a problem that has plagued mankind since the beginning. This infection has only been treated with synthetic medications in the last 50 years. For the past thousand years, people relied on their diet to treat their urinary tract infections. Socrates, one of the greatest thinkers ever to live, stated that food was their medicine and food their medicine.

Research over the past decade has shown that holistic medicine and natural healing are effective ways to treat yourself. They can sometimes be just as effective as medical treatment and have no side effects. What are some U.T.I.

Take Note

  • Alfalfa – Did you know that healthy kidney function can be vital to prevent and treat urinary tract infections? Alfalfa juice concentrate can significantly improve kidney function. An increase in kidney function can help to eliminate toxins from the body and increase the flow urine.
  • Blueberry (Bilberry), a dried berry and leaf of the bilberry (blueberry), plant has been proven to be effective in treating and preventing urinary tract infection. Blueberry extracts act as an anti-inflammatory and can prevent the spread of E.coli.
  • Echinacea- Also known as the “wonder drug among herbs”, it is also known as Echinacea. It can be used to treat everything, from common colds and flues to infections of the urinary tract. Echinacea is a natural remedy that strengthens the immune system and fights bacteria infections (U.T.I.).
  • Vitamin C- Take 3,000mg of vitamin C every day during an attack. Vitamin C can also boost your immune system. The infection will be defeated if you have a stronger immune system.
  • Cranberries- Recent research has shown that cranberries contain a compound that lines your urinary tract. You can flush the bacteria infection from your body by taking the right amount of cranberries.
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