Erectile dysfunction (ED), is often viewed as a problem for older men. Although it is more common in older men, it can also affect young men to varying degrees. One-quarter of all men under 40 were diagnosed with erectile dysfunction in a 2013 study. Older men are more likely to have poor penis health and performance. This is often due to underlying conditions like heart disease or diabetes.

Circulatory System

These conditions can affect the circulatory system and nerve systems, which can inhibit erections. Young men may experience problems in their sexual performance, but the root cause is often elsewhere. Young men will find out more about erectile dysfunction, and the common causes. One symptom may be experienced by some men, while others may experience multiple symptoms. Some men experience chronic symptoms, while others only experience them occasionally.

Take Note

  • Alcohol: A man who is willing to drink most of the time but not after a few drinks is likely to have alcoholism. There are many ways alcohol can affect the body, none of which are favorable to a stiffy. The nervous system is one system that can be affected by alcohol intake. Alcohol can reduce nerves’ ability detect sensations. It can be difficult to get tough when a guy isn’t sensitive downstairs. The body’s blood vessels also open when alcohol is consumed. This means that blood that has rushed into the penis to cause erection can easily run back out, leaving a man flat. A chronic heavy drinker may experience more ED symptoms. In addition to the above effects, alcohol can alter a man’s testosterone levels over time. This is necessary in order to maintain a healthy sexual drive and erectile abilities.
  • Psychological issues: Any psychological problem, such as depression, anxiety, or shame, can hinder a man’s ability get it up. These conditions can affect hormonal balance on a physical level. An increase in cortisol, which is associated with a decrease of testosterone, can cause hormonal imbalance. It’s difficult to feel attraction and focus during sex if a man’s mind is cluttered by negative thoughts and feelings.
  • Bad training: Masturbating men are actually training their penises for a particular type of stimuli. This is not a problem for most men. Some men masturbating can cause their penises to not respond sexually to situations with a partner. The two main problems here are watching very hardcore porn and having a death grip on your penis. Erectile dysfunction can be caused by reliance on self-pleasuring methods that are not likely to be replicated in real-life situations. If a man is unable to perform on his own, but cannot perform with a partner then he should examine his self-pleasuring behaviors.
  • Relationship problems. Another reason for ED that is only seen with a partner, but not with a woman, is a problem in the relationship. It can be difficult to have healthy sex with your partner if there is lack of trust or unresolved issues. Young men should take good care of their genitals and address all possible causes of ED. This requires good hygiene and attention to skin problems. Penis friction is a constant problem throughout the day. Men should be aware of their skin conditions.
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