Although most people would take aspirin to ease headaches, it is not the best remedy for all headaches. Aspirin may mask symptoms that are important in diagnosing underlying illnesses. If taken for a long time, aspirin can cause unwanted side effects. Self-care is the best option for most headaches. Stress and tension are the main causes of headaches. These factors can be managed. Consult your doctor if you have severe or unusual headaches.

Unusual Headaches

Unusual headaches or severe pain can indicate a serious medical condition that needs to be managed and treated. There are three main types of headaches: tension, cluster, and migraine.

  • Tension headache, also known as muscle contraction headache, can be caused by tightening of the shoulders and back muscles. This is often caused by emotional and physical stress. This pain can be described as a feeling of pressure, a band around your head, or all over your head. Tension headache is the most common cause. It can be caused by poor posture and working in awkward environments. Tension headaches can be caused by stress, anxiety, and depression. Tension headaches that occur more than once per week for several months or more are considered chronic. It is a good idea to visit your doctor. Tension headache symptoms include the following. Non-pulsing, steady pain. A feeling of pressure, tightness, and fullness at the top of the head or behind the neck. Sometimes, nausea and vomiting may occur. Home treatment is usually sufficient to relieve tension headaches. While acetaminophen and aspirin can be used to relieve pain, they are not recommended for long-term use due to the potential side effects. Home care is a better option than pain relievers. You can do this by taking a hot or cool shower and massaging your neck muscles. You can also try lying in a darkened room to get relief. You can also relieve pain by learning how to relax through meditation, biofeedback and visualization.
  • Cluster Headache is a severe form of headache that mostly affects middle-aged males. Cluster headaches don’t usually have a warning sign or a time when they will end. The pain usually lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours before returning. The pain is often worsened if the person lies down during an attack. This type of headache is not treated with over-the-counter pain relievers. Inhaling 100 percent oxygen often brings relief. Cluster headache is characterized by a steady pain around one eye that occurs every day or night. The nasal congestion is on one side of the head. It is accompanied by reddening and watering in one eye.
  • Migraine headaches are caused by the swelling of the blood vessels in your head. Migraine headache can also be referred to as a sick headache. Migraine sufferers may experience flashes or bright spots just before they feel the headache. This is due to an oversensitivity to light. A migraine sufferer will want to avoid light. Try to avoid a dark area if you have a migraine headache. Instead, lie down in a dark spot and place a damp cloth on your forehead. Migraine headaches can be described as pulsating pain, a throbbing pain on one side of your head, and a pre-headache that often includes nausea, distorted vision, and abdominal pain.
  How to relieve Stress Headaches?



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