Reduce Migraine Attacks

What is a headache? Other than the pounding pain that our brains feel, it's nothing. The brain, blood vessels, and surrounding nerves create pain signals that cause headaches. Specific nerves from the blood vessels and the head muscles are activated during headaches and send pain signals back to the...
Are you unable to do your daily tasks because of headaches? Do you want to be free from the pain or do you prefer to live with it? Many people around the world are affected by sinus problems at least once a year. Sinus related headaches are one of...
Tension headaches are, as the name implies, headaches that result in being stressed or overly anxious. Tension headaches are more common in people who are stressed out or overworked at work. Tension headaches are often referred to stress headaches. They usually occur around noon, after a significant portion of...
What do you do if you get a migraine or a headache suddenly? While many people take aspirin and ibuprofen, this treatment is not appropriate for everyone. These and other drugs can cause severe side effects, such as stomach ulcers or kidney problems. There are many other drugs that...
A person suffering from migraine headaches that are persistent and frequent may be willing to try anything to stop them coming back. Many sufferers are willing to try any and all migraine treatments, despite the nausea, pain, and dizziness. We'll be listing the most effective and "alternative" treatments that...
Migraine is more than just a headache. This is more severe and can cause your head to throb with pain. You are more sensitive to light and sounds. Swollen blood vessels and nerves near the brain can cause migraines. The trigeminal nerve releases chemicals that irritate the brain's surface...
Millions of Americans suffer from sinus infections every year. Sinus infections can cause severe discomfort and pain that can interfere with your daily activities. Our doctor will usually prescribe the usual dose of antibiotics and a decongestant for sinus infections. However, side effects can sometimes occur. You will also...
What are some factors that can trigger headaches? Headaches can be very distressing and you may have tried many different remedies to try to get rid of them. It doesn't matter if you have tried natural remedies, medications or acupuncture. It all depends on your perspective of total body...
Our eyes are the first thing we think of when we hear the word ophthalmic. Did you know there is an ocular migraine? There are many types of migraines, but not all headaches are the same. There are many types of migraines, and one of them is called ophthalmic...
Migraines can range from a severe headache to blurred vision, vomiting, and sensitivity to light or sound. The terms'migraine','migraine headaches' and 'headache' are often used interchangeably to refer to a range of pain and not separate conditions. Certain foods, allergies, stress and dehydration are all possible causes of migraines.Migraines Sometimes,...