Stroke Herbs

College life can be both the best and worst. Most young people see college as a time of excitement. They look forward to living with their parents and being able to explore new places and meet new people. Sometimes, however, too much experimentation can lead to homesickness and depression....
This time of year brings back fond memories of Grandma’s deep-dish apple pie. I can close my eyes to smell, taste, and see her homemade apple pie. My mind will forever be etched with the sweet, cinnamon-scented, golden brown pie crust she made. To make the perfect deep-dish apple...
A worrying trend is the rise in obesity and other serious health conditions. Our fast-paced lifestyles and fast food mentality have made us obese and stressed out. We need to ask ourselves, "What is the best way to live a longer, healthier life?" A healthy, balanced diet could help...
High blood pressure symptoms may not be obvious even after extensive organ damage. Even high blood pressures that are fatal or already causing severe kidney damage can sometimes last for months before symptoms appear. A sphygmomanometer is the only way to determine if you have high bloodpressure. People with...
You might think you have carotid blockage, or that someone you know has it. You are at significantly higher risk of suffering a stroke if you have carotid blockage. You are not the only one. About 900,000 Americans die each year from stroke or heart disease. Your risk of...
Vertigo can be a distressing condition that can be accompanied by several medical conditions. It can be mildly disabling or severe. It can occur with the common cold or can be caused by other conditions. It is the sensation of spinning motion. Subjective vertigo is when the person experiencing...
Cholesterol, a soft, waxy substance, is stored in the fat (lipids) content of one’s blood stream. It is important to have some "good" cholesterol in your system. Cholesterol and other body fats cannot dissolve in the blood. They must be transported using special carriers called lipoproteins. There are many...
A healthy body is what we all desire to have. With out a sound and healthy constitution, there's very little that we can perform. Stress being a portion of the modern lifestyle, it becomes even more important that we focus on our health. Your wellbeing update is most significant...
Patients and doctors often misunderstand tonsils, which is why they are one of the most important structures in the throat. Traditional wisdom states that tonsils are the glands in your throat that fight infection. Tonsillectomy is the most common operation in the United States. Many tonsillectomies are unnecessary today,...
Stroke is the third most serious threat to your health. Stroke is a common condition that affects between 500,000 and 700,000. This number is increasing at a rapid pace. Untreated strokes cause brain damage that causes millions of deaths every minute. Stroke can be a serious medical emergency. These...