Sunburn Natural Remedies

Aloe vera, natural honey and apple cider vinegar are all good home remedies. However, I would like you to consider a more powerful and well-known natural remedy that is being widely used around the world. Morinda citrifolia, also known as liquid island nui, is a wonderful natural plant.What to...
Minor burns (those that don't cause significant damage to the skin) can be treated at home. There are other types of burns that can't be treated at home. These will require hospital assistance. The type of burn will determine the treatment that is given. There are three main types...
Sunburn is caused by skin becoming parched or burned by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Sunburn is caused by excessive sun exposure. Excessive sun exposure renders the skin's protective pigment, melanin, ineffective at protecting it. This can lead to severe skin damage. These burns can also be caused by...
Summer can be both soothing and irritating for some people. Too much sun can be damaging to your skin and health. Although you can get large amounts of Vitamin D in this weather, it can cause severe irritation to your skin. Sunburns and tanning can be caused by the...
Sunburns can be very painful if you have ever had one. People can experience red, hot skin as well as nausea, dehydration and blistering. You can avoid this by using sunscreen and staying out of direct sunlight for longer periods of time. If you do end up getting sunburned...
You may have heard that certain crops can be beneficial to your home. This is why many people want an aloe vera plant. Aloe vera has many benefits that you might find yourself wanting more than you thought. Once you get used to it, you may not even know...