Migraine headaches can be very painful and debilitating. Migraine headaches can be debilitating and can leave you feeling confused. There is hope. Understanding the causes of migraines and how to treat them can help you understand why they occur. Migraine treatment is similar to reducing stress. You may be able to identify the triggers of migraine headaches and find out the reasons.

What to do?

Start by keeping a headache log. Write down every phase of your migraine headache experience. It’s important to record in your headache journal, as accurately as possible, your activities right before you get migraines. What was happening at work, home, and socially? Here are some common triggers for migraine headaches. To get us up in the morning, most of us need some caffeine.

For migraine sufferers, too much caffeine or not enough can cause severe headaches. If you’re used to drinking large amounts of caffeine, such as coffee or other drinks, then it could be causing pain.

Stress Factor

The body will often respond to stress by triggering the “fight or flight” response. This is when the body is alert for imminent danger. The danger with stress is not always physical, but the body responds the same way. Anxiety, worry, repressed emotions, and tiredness can all lead to increased muscle tension around the brain, neck and temples. Migraines are most common in women.

Another possible cause of migraine headaches is the fluctuation in hormones during puberty, pregnancy and each cycle. A headache can occur when we don’t eat enough to nourish our bodies.

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Hunger Headaches

It’s sometimes called a “hunger headache”, but frequent skipping meals can make the headaches worse and even turn into migraine episodes. Many of the additives and preservatives found in processed foods are not designed for digestion. Many people can get migraine episodes from these additives.

Many sufferers of migraine are affected by nitrates in processed meats like hot dogs. The body can shut down non-vital functions and start the process of repair during the sleep cycle. An average adult needs six to eight hours sleep per night. Your migraine headaches could be caused by a shortening of your sleep cycle or insomnia from stress.


Finding out what is causing migraine headaches is the first step in treating them. You can track down the trigger by keeping a log of your daily activities. You have a better chance of avoiding migraines if you are able to identify the trigger.



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