A common problem in every household is pharyngitis (or sore throat). A sore throat is most commonly characterized by a sore and painful throat. Sore throat can be caused by viral attack. This problem can be caused by viruses such as mononucleosis or flu. These viruses can cause blisters in the throat and mouth. This problem can also be caused by continuous breathing through the mouth.

Other Causes

  • This problem can be caused by a bacterial infection. Streptococcus, arcanobacterium and arcanobacterium are two common causes of sore throats.
  • Sinus drainage and post nasal drip can lead to infection of the throat.
  • Sore throats can be caused by chemotherapy, antibiotics, and other immune-weakening drugs.
  • This problem can be caused by allergies or allergic rhinitis.
  • This problem can be caused by endotracheal or tube inserting.
  • Infections can result from throat surgery, such as tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy.
  • It is possible to get sore throat from a foreign object, such as a fish bone, if it gets stuck in your throat.
  • A persistent sore throat could indicate serious complications such as throat cancer or HIV. If sore throat persists for more than seven days, it is time to see a doctor.

Home Remedies

The problem is most severe in the morning and gradually improves as the day goes on.  Difficulty swallowing, speaking, and breathing

  • Gargling with saline is a traditional remedy. Gargling with saline water is as easy as adding one teaspoon salt to a glass of warm water. This treatment relieves irritation and cleanses the pharynx. It also improves circulation.
  • Gargling with an infusion made from henna leaves or mehendi can help fight sore throat-causing bacteria.
  • To gargle, you can use the fluid extracted from mango bark along with 125ml water. This will soothe a burning throat.
  • A solution made from half a teaspoon of baking soda and salt in half a cup warm water can be very beneficial for gargling.
  • One can soak the ginger root in warm water for approximately 10 minutes and then drink the water often throughout the day.
  • One tablespoon honey may be combined with two tablespoons of sesame oil. The mixture should be consumed three times daily.
  • You can add powdered cinnamon to a glass water with a pinch ground pepper and two tablespoons honey. Then boil the mixture.
  • Water is important as it can flush out infections. Drink lots of water. Avoid cold water, cold drinks and sour foods. This problem can be exacerbated by eating sour food items.
  • A mixture of half a tablespoon honey and half a tablespoon lemon juice, along with a pinch pepper, can be used to soothe a sore throat.
  • This problem can be treated with garlic tea.
  • The process of sucking hard candy can provide some relief as it keeps the throat and mouth moistened.
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