Stress Management

You, as a parent are concerned for your child's well-being. You want your child to feel better when they have a complaint or are not feeling well. What happens if your child complains about the same ailment repeatedly? You should be very concerned if your child has chronic headaches.Causes You...
Can Exercise Prevent Migraine Headaches? Many people find migraine headaches to be very distressing. Many people find that migraine headaches can be so debilitating that they fear the next one. It is so painful. Many people will seek out ways to avoid migraine headaches because the pain is so...
However, it is believed that migraines affect 10% of children younger than 15. This number could be much higher. Migraine headaches in children are difficult to diagnose because children often have trouble explaining their symptoms to their parents and doctors. Migraine headaches in childhood are often mistaken for fatigue...
To help you relax and disengage your mental and emotional energy, I use the analogy that a breeze gives me. Ian Livingstone, M.D., neurologist, wrote Breaking the Headache Cycle. Although Migraineurs may be more stressed than others, they are not necessarily more anxious or more stressed (despite the myths...