Probably the most irritating and excruciating experiences anybody has to proceed through is headache. Apart from the unpleasant sensations felt in the number of areas of the top like temples, headache may bring discomfort to the various parts of the facial skin, throat, and mouth due to the group of nerves that extends each other. Before taking in any medicine or undergoing any therapy to create relief to your aching mind, ensure that you know first do you know the various kinds of headache and possible factors behind the normal illness.


Studies also show that 90 percent of most types of head aches are classified as stress and muscle contraction. Nevertheless, there most experts would concur that headache could be more classified into two broad types: the principal and the secondary. Migraine headaches are often characterized by throbbing pain using one side of the top, queasiness, over sensitivity to lighting and sound especially to vivid lights and loud noises.

Apart from throbbing or pulsing discomfort, migraine is also seen as a visible disturbances, numbness of the facial skin, nausea, and heavy vomiting. Generally triggered by food, stress, temperature or winter, strong smells, emotions, exhaustion, or hormonal fluctuations, professionals say that those who are anxious and depressed tend to be more susceptible to migraine.

Tension Headache

Tension headache, however, is considered as the normal type of headache people have problems with. Characterized by a good band of pressure around someone’s head, large throbbing of temples, lighting and sound sensitivity, vomiting, common muscle aches, difficulty in drifting off to sleep and staying asleep, chronic exhaustion, irritability and disturbed concentration, stress headaches is said will be traced from actual physical or emotional stress.

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Major life-style adjustments like having a normal physical activity or exercise, correct and balanced diet, proper tension management and maintaining good position can help a person too much to avoid tension headaches.


If tension headache may be the most common kind of headache, cluster headache may be the least common of most types. Greatly affecting men rather than women, Set off by alcohol and cigarettes, professionals say that there is absolutely no concrete cause of this kind yet.


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