A constant cough can be very annoying and embarrassing for both you and those around you. A constant cough is often mistakenly viewed as a sign that you are sick. Both adults and children can have a constant cough from many reasons. Let’s take a look at some of them.


  • Colds: Common cold symptoms include phlegm, post-nasal drip and a cough. Similar to a fever and body aches coughing can be caused by your body’s weaker defense system. This is why an over-the-counter decongestant is the most common “cure” because it reduces post nasal drip.
  • Environment irritants: A constant cough can be caused by allergies, pet dander, and pollen. These are common conditions and you may already know how to treat them with an antihistamine. You should consult an allergist if you don’t have a common cold or are not aware of any allergies. This is especially true for new pet owners. Many people don’t realize they have a pet dander problem until they have a pet. This can be treated with an over-the-counter or prescription antihistamine.
  • Airborne irritants A humidifier or an air purifier could be the answer you are looking for if it is in a specific room of your home or in a location you control.
  • Asthma and Bronchitis: Coughing can be caused by any medical condition that has an immediate impact on the throat, lungs, or airway. Your breathing passages may be restricted, which can cause you to cough and gasp for air. This should be treated with an inhalant prescribed by your doctor.


There are many things you can do to prevent your coughing fits, both in natural and over-the-counter medicines. It’s great to eat peppermints and other hard candy. You might find that your nagging cough is caused by a dry throat. By sucking on candies, you are keeping your throat moist. The same effect can be achieved by hot teas and soups, but the warmth of the soup is soothing. This is great for dry and itchy throats.

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