Acid reflux, also known as gastro-esophageal acid reflux disease (GERD), is a condition caused by too much stomach acid. Some gastric acids can then return to the throat and esophagus. Symptoms of GERD include burning sensations in the throat, heartburn and difficulty swallowing certain foods or liquids.

Home Remedies

These symptoms can be treated with a home remedy for acid reflux.

  • Eat a healthy diet. Include foods that reduce stomach acid.
  • Keep track of the foods you eat. This can be done by keeping a detailed log of all foods eaten and prepared during each meal for several weeks. This will help you identify foods that can trigger acid reflux. Once you have identified them, you can then avoid them or at the very least, reduce their intake. There are a few foods that can trigger acid reflux attacks. These include spicy foods, citrus fruits, caffeine, fatty food, and spices.
  • Apple cider vinegar can be used before or after every meal. This can be used in a tablespoonful with water. You should choose organic vinegar as it is more effective and has its enzymes intact. This natural element can mimic the properties of acid in your stomach. This will improve your digestion. It is also well-known for its ability to help people with problems such as weight loss, cholesterol, heartburn, heartburn, and heartburn.
  • You can also include certain fruits to your diet to reduce stomach acid. These fruits include papaya, bananas and figs. Other useful spices and herbs include cardamom and cinnamon, slippery elm and nutmeg.
  • You can also use chewing gum to get natural remedies from plants. Your mouth will produce more saliva as you chew it. This is the natural antacid for the human body. Your stomach will naturally calm down if you continue to swallow saliva. It will not produce too many acids. It is possible to find a home remedy for acid regurgitation by being resourceful. The Internet is a great source of information. You can find the best home remedies for your condition from it.
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