According to the National Headache Foundation, more than 29.5 million Americans suffer from migraines. While some people rely on prescription medication, many prefer natural remedies for their headaches. Natural remedies for migraine headaches could include herbs, supplements, acupuncture, and aromatherapy. You might choose to try one or more of the following natural remedies for migraine treatment.

Natural Remedies

To avoid confusing preferences, these nutrients are listed alphabetically.

  • 5-HTP is an amino acid that the body makes from tryptophan. It is used by the body to make serotonin. 5-HTP has been suggested as a natural remedy for migraines. It is a supplement that lowers serotonin levels.
  • A butterbur root extract has been shown to be a natural remedy for migraine in children as well as adolescents. In an early 2005 issue, the journal “Headache” reported a clinical trial with this herb. Butterbur is said to ease spasms and pain. American research has shown that butterbur is effective in relieving pain and spasms. Both appear to reduce blood vessel spasms which are the main cause of migraines. This herb has been used for years as a natural remedy to migraines and other headaches.
  • Feverfew is a pain reliever and an anti-inflammatory. It reduces migraine symptoms by blocking the release of blood vessel-dilating chemicals from platelets. It also inhibits the production inflammatory substances.
  • This mineral is one the most promising natural remedies to migraine headaches. Magnesium is found in nuts, seeds and whole grains. It is essential for healthy muscle, nerve, and blood vessel tone. It is believed to prevent blood vessel spasms and be a natural remedy against migraine.
  • In 1998, Belgian researchers found that vitamin B2 (riboflavin), provided more effective migraine relief than a placebo in a double-blind study. This natural remedy decreased migraine headache frequency and severity.
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Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a natural treatment for migraines that may not work for everyone. There are two options: shiatsu and acupuncture. The Chinese art of Acupuncture triggers relief by placing delicate needles at specific points on the neck and head. It has been proven to be a natural remedy for migraines by many people, including German researchers. In Germany, migraines are often treated with acupuncture.

Nearly 900 patients were offered one of three options: traditional Chinese acupuncture, standard migraine drugs, or fake acupuncture. The needles were inserted in areas not used in traditional acupuncture for those who received fake acupuncture. The number of migraine days per year was cut by almost the same percentage in each group. Shiatsu is a form acupressure, not acupuncture.

Shiatsu Massage

It is a natural treatment for migraines. It helps to relieve tension and stress. Migraine can block blood flow or cause “overflow”, which can lead to migraines. Shiatsu massage restores natural flow by releasing blood flow and energy. You can learn shiatsu to relieve your migraines. You can also have shiatsu done by a family member. Regular massages can be both preventative as well as remedial. We will explore the benefits of natural remedies for migraine headaches in a future article. Before you use this advice if you are pregnant, make sure to consult your doctor. Professional advice should be sought by all migraine sufferers to help them find a natural solution.


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