Bad breath is often caused by bacteria in your mouth. While there are many good bacteria in the mouth, the “halitosis” bacteria that produces bad breath when it mixes with the air you exhale creates that distinct smell. People are more likely to look for home remedies for bad breath.

Home remedies

Many over-the-counter solutions have failed to work in many cases. The alcohol in mouthwash can cause more harm than good. It kills the “good”, bacteria and allows the halitosis bacteria take over.

  • Mouthwash – This is not a treatment. You can mask the smell for up to 10 minutes. This product should not contain alcohol if you do decide to use it. Baking soda is a good home remedy. Mix warm water with salt and use this to gargle. Baking soda reduces the growth of bacteria by restoring the pH.
  • Baking soda – Use this to brush your teeth before you use toothpaste. It is best to only use it once per day for maximum benefits.
  • Tea tree oil – This is a great natural toothpaste or mouthwash substitute. Use a few drops of tea-tree oil on your toothbrush or mix it with toothpaste when you brush. It can be used as a mouthwash to keep your gums healthy. Tea tree oil is an excellent homemade remedy for gum disease. Before flossing, soak your dental floss in tea oil. Tea Tree Oil is an excellent natural remedy for bad breath.
  • Brushing your teeth regularly and properly is important. Take a few moments to brush your teeth, especially the back. Brushing your tongue is very effective. It is recommended to do this while you are brushing.
  • Flossing is a way to remove food particles from the teeth after a meal. It is a good idea floss after every meal. It is not always possible, so floss at least once per day.
  • Water is the best thing to drink in order to stay hydrated. Your breath will get worse if you don’t stay hydrated. Bad breath is common when we wake up in mornings. This happens because we don’t produce enough saliva over the night and are not properly hydrated. Drink as much water as possible during the day.
  • Reduce the amount of alcohol and coffee you consume. Bad breath can be caused by both of these. It takes a lot of effort and a good oral hygiene routine to keep your mouth fresh. Use my bad breath home remedies as I have described in this article.
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