Bad breath is most often caused by bacteria in the mouth. Other conditions that can cause bad breath include tooth decay and periodontal disease. There may also be issues with your digestive system, throat, and sinuses. Bad breath has been around for as long as humankind has existed.

Home Treatmets

Many home remedies have been developed that work well. The best home remedy is to brush your teeth after every meal and clean your mouth. I meant every meal and not just one. This is the best and most cost-effective way to combat bad breath. Brushing your teeth removes food particles from your mouth and stops the growth of bacteria.

  • Mint leaves can be chewed to freshen your breath.
  • You can also chew on sunflower seeds after a meal and drink water.
  • A clove can be used to clear your breath.
  • Cardamom seeds can also sweeten your breath.
  • Parsley was traditionally served after the main meal because it freshens the breath. Today, parsley is often served on top of the main meal. Parsley can be eaten at the end of your meal. Parsley is good because it contains chlorophyll which is a natural freshener.
  • A simple way to get relief is to put some lemon juice in a glass and then gargle with the juice throughout the day.
  • You can also drink hot, unsweetened green tea, which aids in fighting bad breath. You can also make tea with fenugreek seed and enjoy a cup.
  • You can clean your mouth by eating an apple every day. The chewy, crunchy apple helps remove bacteria.
  • Baking soda can be used to clean your teeth by making a paste, brushing with it, or adding it as a toothpaste. Baking soda can be used to gargle in water. This helps to alter the pH balance of your mouth, making it less favorable for bacteria that causes bad breath.
  • You can also find zinc-rich foods to eat.
  • Fasting is a more drastic home remedy for bad breath. Fasting is a great way to cleanse your entire digestive tract.
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Bad breath can be caused by the putrefaction of food substances. Before you fast, do your research and consult with a healthcare practitioner. I recommend a gentle, easy fast that fits into your daily life. To make your fast a success, you must plan ahead. There are many fasts that you can choose from. These are some home remedies you can try to get rid of bad breath. Good oral hygiene is the first line of defense. Your dentist or hygienist will be happy to answer any questions about how to care for your mouth and teeth. I recommend that you start right away.

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