Fibromyalgia, for those who don’t know, is a condition that affects the musculoskeletal systems and causes severe muscle fatigue, pain, and discomfort. Although doctors are still unsure of the cause, Lyrica and Gabapentin can be prescribed to treat the symptoms. I will focus on fibromyalgia remedies, such as natural supplements, because it has been proven that people suffering from fibromyalgia have a low level of vitamin D.


Also, their bodies cannot process protein properly. Proteins are broken down into amino acids, which are used by the body for enzymes. Enzymes are responsible for the repair, growth, maintenance, and maintenance of tissues. They also help maintain a healthy immune system.

Home remedies for fibromyalgia are more effective than prescription drugs because they address the root cause of the condition. What are the best fibromyalgia remedies? Here are 5 remedies/supplements that you can take, along with a brief description of what they can do for your health.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D can make a big difference to your health. It is essential for calcium absorption as well as for the growth, strength and health of the bones. Consult a doctor before taking too much vitamin D. This could cause nausea, poor appetite, and weakness. The brain levels of serotonin can be increased by incorporating 5-HTP into your daily diet.


Serotonin, a neuro-transmitter, is also effective as a pain killer. When 5-HTP is used as part of your fibromyalgia treatments you will notice a decrease of tender points and stiffness as well as an improvement of sleep quality. Your body creates malic acid through a process called a citric acid cicle. It can also be found in apple juice and many other foods. Because malic acid can help you optimize energy production, it is a good part of fibromyalgia treatments.

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Magnesium can be taken with malic acid to increase the effectiveness of your fibromyalgia treatments. As mentioned, amino acids are harmful in the growth, repair and maintenance of tissues. They also play a key role in a happy immune system. Free form amino acids are the best because they can be used immediately and do not require digestion.


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