Bad breath, also known as halitosis, refers to a bad smell coming from the mouth. While the problem is more common than others, it is more prevalent in some people. This problem can lead to a social disaster and can make a sweet date unhappy. Problems like halitosis can be more complex because people with halitosis don’t realize their mouth is smelling bad.


Bad breath can be caused by many factors, but the main reason is the presence in the mouth of anaerobic bacteria such as the H.Pylori or the S. Mutans. These bacteria thrive on food leftovers and dead cells in the mouth. There are many home remedies that can be used to combat halitosis.

The best way to combat halitosis is to clean your mouth after every meal. Also, brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brushing the teeth should be done in conjunction with other cleansing procedures like the scrubbing and flossing between the teeth. These bacteria thrive on the upper surface and between the teeth, so it is important to brush and scrub.


It is worth paying more attention to spaces such as the posterior portion of the tongue and the back surfaces of the front teeth when cleaning. These are the most likely areas to find food leftovers or dead cells. You can remedy the problem by making small changes to your food habits.

Drinking lots of water throughout the day and with every meal will help keep bad breath away. Avoid foods like raw onion and garlic as the volatile oils in these can make bad breath feel even after three days. To avoid bad breath, thirdly, you can include foods such as parsley, mint and clove along with your food.

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Take note

There are many ways to keep your mouth clean and free of bacteria. It has been proven that fresh fruits and vegetables can be used to treat bad breath.

  • Zinc rich fruits are especially helpful in keeping bacteria under control. To get rid of bacteria in the mouth, you can make your own unsweetened lemon juice. Bad breath can also be prevented by drinking green tea unsweetened and brewed. Bad breath can be prevented by making smart decisions such as choosing a low-fat and low-carb diet instead of one rich in animal protein. Bad breath can also be prevented by avoiding alcohol as much as possible.
  • Baking soda paste can be used to clean the mouth at least once per week as a home remedy for halitosis. Baking soda can help fight halitosis by changing the pH environment in the mouth to a point where bacteria can’t survive.
  • To get rid of the problem, hydrogen peroxide can be used as a tongue cleaner. It is important to remember that home chemical treatments should not be done in a rush.

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