The American Heart Association says that there are many high blood pressure remedies that don’t require drugs that can be used by most Americans with this condition. The AMA states that medication is only necessary when diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes fail to work.


These drug-free remedies are what the AMA calls “drug-free” and why isn’t there more of them? The last part of the question is answered first. American medical professionals routinely use pharmaceuticals. This is how they are trained and it’s the best way to make the most of the 15 minutes they have for each doctor’s appointment.

They don’t necessarily care about this, but it is the evolution of our health care system. High blood pressure treatment usually involves trying different drugs and different doses until you find the right combination that manages your blood pressure. This practice of mixing and matching can lead to discomfort and overdosing. Because people trust their doctors, they will accept this practice.

Blood Pressure

How much do you know about blood pressure treatments that don’t require medication? Although there are no known causes of hypertension, almost all the lifestyles that lead to it are similar. People with high blood pressure are more likely to be obese. This is usually due to a sedentary lifestyle, a low-nutrition diet, and a diet high fat and high cholesterol.

The second most common characteristic is stress. More than half of Americans suffer from sleep deprivation. HBP can be caused by three things: lack of exercise, poor diet, and stress. These three factors can easily be reversed or even cured. This is where things can get complicated and require more effort than some people are prepared to put in. This is a simple one. This is the fastest way for blood pressure to drop.

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What to do?

Light aerobic exercise, such as walking or biking for forty minutes, will immediately lower blood pressure and keep it down for around 24 hours. Exercise strengthens the heart muscle, making it more efficient, trains blood vessels to expand during the diastolic beat, and burns excess adrenalin and stress-related chemicals. Over time, it also helps to lose weight, reducing the chance of becoming obese.

It is almost impossible to eat a healthy diet due to the food packaging and food processing industry. All types of packaged food, including those with reduced fat or low fat, contain sodium and high fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS). Fresh food is the only way to ensure you get the nutrition that you need. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and certain fish contain the highest levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients that counter hypertension. Eating right requires extensive planning. For a list of heart-healthy foods, see the AMA’s DASH Diet.

There is enough stress in today’s uncertain economic climate. It affects more than blood pressure. You can manage stress by changing your diet or avoiding certain foods and beverages. Exercise, as mentioned above, helps to reduce stress levels. It is better to exercise in the evening after a day of stress than in the morning.


These blood pressure remedies will only work if you have a plan. And you must stick to it. Even if you only make small changes to your lifestyle or diet, it will have an incremental effect on your blood pressure. You can get instant feedback from your home blood pressure monitor if you do so (which you should).

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