It is a trend to go back to nature as commercially prepared products are reported to have more side effects than those that are natural. It is attractive that many natural-prepared merchandise have less or no side effects, so many healthcare professionals recommend them. Most carers also stick to these products.

Asthma Treatments

Asthma medications are included in this article as it is a common respiratory disease that affects everyone, regardless of their race, status or living conditions. Modern medical science has not provided many effective strategies for asthma.

However, herbal medicine has been proven to be very effective. These natural remedies have been shown to reduce asthma attacks and have also been proven to improve the immune system as well as the respiratory system. Commercial products should be avoided because they can cause asthma attacks. The culprits behind asthma attacks are aspirin, pain relievers, and some antibiotics.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C’s power should not be underestimated. Citrus juices and fruits should be included in your daily routine as they have been shown to resist infection and reduce inflammation. This allows more oxygen to enter the lungs and circulate in the bloodstream. You can make teas from different herbs by mixing them together.

You can make mullein oil from powdered Indian root, elecampane roots, or granulated Echinacea roots in water to make a tea. To improve your breathing, you can also try mullein, chamomile and Echinacea root in water.

Chinese Homeopathy

It can be used to provide additional home remedies if you need them. To combat asthma and other respiratory diseases, Shuan Huang Lian, a powerful herb mixture, is used in hospitals. Carers should also be aware of the powerful inflammation-causing substances found in egg yolks and meat.

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These foods contain Arachidonic Acid, which is thought to cause inflammation, a classic feature of asthma. The incidence of asthma can be reduced by avoiding these foods. Eicosapentanoic Acid, found in fish oil, and Gamma-linolenic Acid in primrose oil can be used to replace Arachidonic Acid. As many studies have shown, eating fruits and vegetables can prevent future asthma attacks.

Take note

Asthma-friendly foods include tomatoes, carrots, and other green leafy veggies. Bromelain, which is found in pineapples, has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce inflammation that occurs during asthma attacks. As important as food, exercise and movement play a crucial role in preventing asthma attacks from happening. Asthma can be prevented by exercising as obesity is a risk factor.

Exercise strengthens the immune system and toughens your respiratory system. A researcher has also introduced the Buteyko Breathing method. This involves shallow-breathing exercises to dilate muscles in the respiratory system. As a result, asthma symptoms are significantly reduced as shown by the research.


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