Migraines can be very devastating for anyone who suffers from them. Migraine sufferers can lose their work, family time, and sometimes even days of severe pain which can cause them to have a lower quality of life. Migraines affect 10%, 17% and 5% respectively. Migraines can be linked to genetic factors. You have a higher chance of developing migraines if you have migraine-prone family members.

Migraine Attack

A migraine attack can last anywhere from one to 72hrs and usually occurs about once per month. This is often the time of their menstrual cycle. Although migraines are usually unilateral, they can also be bilateral. The affected side may be the same or alternate. Different people have different triggers for migraines. Some of the most common triggers are coffee, chocolate and cheese (NutraSweet(r), MSG), bacon, and even onions.

Stress, anxiety, depression, low thyroid, fatigue, and stress may all play a part in some cases. What are the symptoms for a migraine? These symptoms can vary from person to person and may change from time to time for the same person. A migraine is characterized by severe, throbbing headaches that are more severe on one side than the other.

Keep In Mind

You may feel sensitive to light and noise. You may also experience nausea and vomiting. Some sufferers of migraines experience a pre-headache warning sign known as an ‘aura’. These symptoms can include unusual smells, arm or leg weakness, flashing lights, or blind spots in the vision. A detailed description of the symptoms is used to diagnose migraines. There is no reliable laboratory test that can identify them.

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Although there are prescription drugs that can help reduce migraines, no medication has been proven to eliminate them. To alleviate the problem, it is often more effective to identify and correct the underlying causes. There are many natural options for migraine relief that can be used.

Natural Treatments

  • Acupuncture – acupuncture can often be used to reduce or eliminate migraines. It is important to know exactly where the pain occurs, how often they occur, and how much time they last. A skilled acupuncturist will use this information to pinpoint the points that can relieve the pain, sometimes permanently.
  • Mediator Release Testing – Sometimes, the cycle of migraines can be stopped in as little as three days by identifying and eliminating hidden food sensitivities. These food sensitivities do not represent allergies. They are immune-mediated, non-allergic reactions to certain foods. There can be reactions to multiple foods, which is not true allergy. These symptoms can often be eliminated by identifying them and following a specific method to eliminate them.
  • Neurotransmitter Rebalancing – When there is prolonged, intense pain, the brain can deplete the chemicals that help reduce it. This can cause a significant imbalance in the brain’s ability to function well. Neurotransmitter testing, rebalancing and correction of chemical imbalances identifies the exact problem and uses natural supplements to correct it.
  • Exercise, meditation, progressive relaxation and hypnosis are some of the methods that can be used to help the body de-stress naturally. Each person’s migraine patterns and treatment response will be different because each person is different. It is a good idea to seek advice from someone who is familiar with migraines and other options if you or someone you love suffers from them.
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