Migraine can cause severe headaches. Some people will do anything to find relief. You can get relief through medication or other treatments. Changes in the body chemical serotonin have been linked to migraines. Blood vessels shrink when serotonin levels rise, while blood vessels swell when they fall. This swelling is thought contributes to migraine headache pain. Certain foods, such as cheese, red wine, smoking, high temperatures, stress, lack of sleep, and strong smells, can trigger migraine headaches.

Headache Journal

It is important to keep track of all factors that led to the migraine attack. Keep a ‘headache journal’ to track the triggers. This simply records the foods you eat, stressful events, weather changes, and other factors that can trigger a headache. This will help you identify the trigger for your migraine headache and allow you to eliminate or reduce it. To alleviate a migraine headache that is stress-related, you might consider meditation or massages.

If your headaches are due to low blood sugar, you will need to eat regular nutritious meals throughout the day. Combining protein with complex carbs is a good way to make a great meal. A meal of chicken and brown rice is one example. You can get rid of foods that trigger migraine headaches. Headaches can also be reduced by moderate exercise.

Did You Know?

Swinging your arms while walking can reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, which can help to alleviate migraines. Research done in Australia and New Zealand has shown that folic acids supplements can prevent migraines. The studies revealed that migraine sufferers have higher levels of homocysteine (an amino acid) in their blood than the norm.

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This was due to a genetic condition. Patients who were treated with Folic acid experienced a noticeable decrease in their headaches.

Natural Treatment

Natural migraine relief is also available. Vitamin B2 and Riboflavin have been shown to be very helpful in migraine relief. It can reduce migraine headache frequency and duration, according to studies. 400mg is the recommended daily dose. Its benefits have been very noticeable when taken over a 2 month period. It is possible to pinpoint the root cause of your migraine headaches and get long-lasting relief. It is much easier to find the best way to relieve your migraine headaches.


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